Are you optimizing your sales process?

Inefficient Auction

Are you able to select the optimal sales and auction process for all of your properties and projects - all while informing your prospective buyers with an automated platform every step of the way?

No single source of truth

Are you able to keep management, multiple agencies, websites, and customers up to date with a single source of real time truth?

Limited analytics

Are you able to extract any dataset, chart, cash flow data, settlement status, and customer information from your data with a simple natural language query?

You have spent 4 years in development...
It's time to optimize your sales process

Leads per Property

Centralize all of your property leads in one place with automated analytics to determine the optimal list price and auction method for your project. Gather leads for each property from any website and keep your followers informed every step of the way.


Buyers feel disrespected when they ask to be kept informed but are not. With DVLPR, all followers of a property receive sales information and notifications when someone else makes a bid, in line with auction style, ensuring that no one misses out on a property.
24/7 digital bids across all your projects based on templates you standardize. KYC & AML automated. Optimal sales and social equity through transparency.


Stop relying on email, PDFs, and Excel sheets. Instead, invite management and investors to track the progress of your sales process in a live dashboard. Easily track, accept and counter bids across hundreds of properties. Monitor and evaluate any outstanding conditions.

Provide buyers and any number of agents with real-time access to their information, keeping everyone on the same page. Track payments and documents in real-time and to ensure everyone stays on the same page.

AI Analytics &

Stop mapping mountains of data across multiple projects into Excel in order to track sales metrics and generate insights for future projects.

With an intelligent AI agent tooled to analyze your data you can generate any dataset or chart with a simple request.

Track settlement status and late payments. Notify buyers of handover dates and payments with customized emails.

Real-time real estate sales platform that informs & engages customers


Properties sold


Bids submitted


Value of property sold




How can I integrate DVLPR into my current sales process

We offer multiple levels of integration to ensure a seamless transition to the DVLPR platform. Our highest level of integration involves a white-labeled solution that is fully customized to meet your specific needs. Alternatively, we can provide widgets that can be easily embedded onto your website to allow users to follow their favorite properties. In addition, we offer a parallel project solution where your project can run alongside the DVLPR platform website. Our team will work with you to determine the best level of integration that meets your needs and ensures a smooth transition to our platform.

Can I utilize internal sales staff and/or any number of agencies?

Yes, you can use your internal sales staff and add an unlimited number of external sales agents across multiple agencies to assist with the sales process. Our platform supports custom logos, documents, and fees associated with their services. Signature capabilities are available only for select staff, to ensure proper authorization and security. With our platform, you can easily manage and coordinate the efforts of multiple sales teams and agencies to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales process.

What regions do you support?

Our platform is designed to support the sales process and documentation in any country, making DVLPR a multi-region platform. We can also provide region-specific integration as needed to meet your unique needs. We encourage you to get in touch with us to discuss your specific requirements so that we can determine how best to support your region-specific needs. Our team will work with you to ensure that our platform meets your needs, no matter where you are located.

What sort of analytics can your platform provide, and can you add additional queries on request?

Our platform provides comprehensive analytics to inform your pricing strategy, sales approach, and metrics. Our automated data analytics track time on sale, monitor sales performance, and provide insights for future projects. We also offer custom queries to provide deeper insights into your sales data, and our team can work with you to identify the key metrics most important to your business. Our analytics are designed to be professional, insightful, and useful, offering visualizations of cash flows and other financial data to make tracking and analyzing key metrics easy. With our platform, you can access real-time data to stay on top of your sales performance and make data-driven decisions to achieve better results.

Can DVLPR help real estate developers comply with fair housing laws and prevent discrimination?

Yes, DVLPR can help real estate developers comply with fair housing laws and prevent discrimination. Our platform promotes transparency and equity in the real estate sales process, ensuring that all parties have equal access to information and are treated fairly. By providing real-time updates to all parties involved in the sales process, including buyers, agents, and investors, DVLPR helps to prevent discrimination and ensure compliance with fair housing laws. Our platform also offers customizable dashboards for tracking sales and performance metrics, which can be used to identify potential risks and mitigate them. Overall, DVLPR is committed to promoting fairness, inclusivity, and equal treatment of all potential buyers.
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